
Jumat, 25 Mei 2012

mEth0D of tEacHiiNgg


Explaining, or lecturing, is the process of teaching by giving spoken explanations of the subject that is to be learned. Lecturing is often accompanied by visual aids to help students visualize an object or problem.


Demonstrating is the process of teaching through examples or experiments. For example, a science teacher may teach an idea by performing an experiment for students. A demonstration may be used to prove a fact through a combination of visual evidence and associated reasoning.
Demonstrations are similar to written storytelling and examples in that they allow students to personally relate to the presented information. Memorization of a list of facts is a detached and impersonal experience, whereas the same information, conveyed through demonstration, becomes personally relatable. Demonstrations help to raise student interest and reinforce memory retention because they provide connections between facts and real-world applications of those facts. Lectures, on the other hand, are often geared more towards factual presentation than connective learning.


Collaboration allows students to actively participate in the learning process by talking with each other and listening to other points of view. Collaboration establishes a personal connection between students and the topic of study and it helps students think in a less personally biased way. Group projects and discussions are examples of this teaching method. Teachers may employ collaboration to assess student's abilities to work as a team, leadership skills, or presentation abilities.
Collaborative discussions can take a variety of forms, such as fishbowl discussions. After some preparation and with clearly defined roles, a discussion may constitute most of a lesson, with the teacher only giving short feedback at the end or in the following lesson.


On Sunday the 6th of May 2012 we went to the Putra Deli beach together ...
 we're goiNg with mot0rcycle...
we bRiNg watErmEL0n to tHerE..
 wE'Re aLso coOkEd s0me deLici0us foOd aNd we bRiNg to pUtrA dELii bEach...

wE'rE vEry haPpy tHere...
n0t oNLy tHat,
wE'Re aLs0 eNjoy witH thE view iN pUtra dELii bEachh....


tHere is s0Me pH0t0s we'rE iN pUtRa DeLiii bEach,,,

Everything we do with a merry heart is also the result would have been nice

 we're here until 4:30 pm....

unfortunately when we come home stuck in traffic in the area Batang Kuis..

but we had it so cheerfully did not feel bad time....